
Balancing and optimizing your structure.

With the evolution of markets and the emergence of competition, different organisational structures and governance models require different approaches and can benefit from structural changes.
CEPTON helps clients define their desired organisational structure and facilitates effective change management.

We have significant experience in operational restructuring and post-merger integration, and have led important carve-out projects.

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Our consulting offer includes two levels of intervention.

First, we help define the optimum structure, including roles, job descriptions and responsibilities, and team sizing. Then, we highlight the resulting business processes with regards to governance, allocations of responsibilities and key meetings.

Following our initial diagnosis, CEPTON demonstrates several potential structures for the organisation and advises on operating protocols including decision-making processes. The required skills and capabilities are identified and training needs are assessed.


CEPTON advises clients on important decisions, including staff levels across various branches, divestment, and launching new activities and external growth initiatives.


We have substantial experience in post-merger integration in all sectors we operate in. This includes managing the integration of transnational corporations and bringing firms from different nations and of different sizes together.

To cater to your requirements, we can evaluate and propose a new organisational structure with optimised operating processes, defining the expected synergies that will be created. We pilot the transformation and are extremely thorough in evaluating both the business needs and the human dimension.

«Define the target organization, facilitate change and manage transitions.»


We facilitate and rationalize the separation between any activities within a firm to make it an independent structure that can be spun off or sold.

The success of a carve-out can be measured by the ability of both resulting entities to function autonomously. The newly formed structure should be independent, but the separation should not alter the functionality of the main structure and jeopardize the dynamics of the parent company.

We tailor our projects to the nature of the most likely buyer, whether it is an investment fund or a Corporate player, though remain alert and adaptable to other opportunities that may arise.


Your people are key to the successful transformation of your organisation. To best implement change management, suitable communication strategies are vital to ensure the progressive implication of tasks required from teams are performed appropriately.

CEPTON’s teams have a wealth of knowledge to successfully implement such strategies across all aspects of your business. We know which levers to pull to achieve the optimum results from each specific initiative.

CEPTON Strategies news

Here are all the reports and analysis we published along with the press articles about us

CEPTON is the author of many publications in the field of healthcare and pharmaceuticals and our partners are often interviewed by the specialized press.


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