European reform: the changes to expect for class IIb and class III medical devices

27 November 2017 - By Marc-Olivier Bévierre

In April 2017, a new Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) was published in Europe. The goal was to harmonize conformity assessments and clinical evaluations of medical devices at a European level to insure better safety. From a manufacturer’s point of view, class IIb and class III medical devices will have to undergo special procedures to reach the market. This regulation particularly affects class IIb and III devices.

Since the 90s, three directives regulated medical devices and in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical devices in Europe. As the directives were open to interpretation, each country could adapt the text, leading to variations in procedures according to each state for a product to obtain a CE mark and reach the market. The European PIP scandal [1] in 2010 triggered a will to improve control of medical devices and their supply with a standardized model closer to the US one. Medical devices and IVD medical devices will now have to comply with MDR and IVD Regulation (IVDR) that will respectively provide a review of a larger proportion of devices and a greater control of diagnostics. The final implementation of regulations will happen in three years for MDR and five years for IVDR. Class IIb and class III medical devices are especially affected by MDR.

The classification of medical devices evolves with MDR

Medical device designation will extend to accessories related to medical devices (such as products used for washing medical devices), implantable non-medical products that may affect the body, and software used for a medical purpose. A larger number of medical devices will be classified as high risk (class III) and will therefore require a more demanding clinical evaluation [2].

A UDI system similar to the United States system will be launched

Medical devices will have to be registered under a Unique Device Identifier (UDI) composed of a constant device identifier, referring to the manufacturer and type of device, and a production identifier, referring to the batch of production. With this system, Europe is getting closer to the United States, where UDI legislation was implemented in 2014. Distributors and importers will then have to update the pathway of products. The UDI database will enable you to trace all medical devices in Europe through each stage in the supply chain until its use. This database is complementary to Eudamed, the transparency database containing all clinical evaluations of medical devices. For patients receiving implantable devices, an implant card will also be provided to allow the patient to have information regarding his device.

Notified Bodies will be reinforced and harmonized for conformity assessment

In order to get a CE mark and be marketed in Europe, medical devices need a conformity assessment based on relevant clinical investigations. With the new MDR, low risk device (class I) conformity is still declared by the manufacturer himself. Class IIa and not implantable class IIb devices need a generic group assessment to get the approval, and implantable class IIb and class III medical devices require a device assessment. Assessment still involves a Notified Body: an entity that can be physically present in every country in Europe. With the reform, Notified Bodies become harmonized between EU countries and will be regularly checked by national authorities to ensure compliance with MDR.

Class IIb and class III medical devices will require further clinical investigation

To be approved in conformity assessments, implantable class IIb and class III devices need a clinical evaluation more demanding than other devices. Before starting the clinical investigation, manufacturers can consult an expert panel at a European level to plan their clinical strategy and know what clinical results will be expected of them to obtain CE marking as fast as possible. In some cases, when an equivalent product is already on the market, and if a contract for sharing technical documentation is signed with the manufacturer of the already marketed device, the manufacturer can avoid clinical investigation and use equivalence for obtaining their CE mark.

In the case of a class IIb or a class III medical device, a scrutiny procedure can be put in place.

When being clinically evaluated, the Notified Body is responsible for writing a clinical evaluation report. However, this report may go through an expert panel to ensure the right level of expertise is used to assess the validity of an innovative product. This scrutiny procedure can delay market entry by 60 days.

The new mandatory post-market surveillance will require a yearly update for class IIb and class III devices

In addition to pre-market clinical evaluation, manufacturers must provide a Post-Market Surveillance plan when applying for CE mark. This plan will result in a Post-Market Clinical Follow-up that will be transcribed in a periodic safety update report. This is one of the major changes to the MDR reform and class IIb and III devices must update this report yearly.

The reform is driving high-risk medical devices closer to reimbursement, a factor of major importance in Europe

Even if, with the previous directives, clinical evaluations were less demanding to get approval for the European market, clinical expectations were high for getting reimbursement in each European country. As reimbursement is a major issue for insuring sales in Europe, a common strategy was to launch the product and then get reimbursement with clinical trials in various countries. As clinical investigation will be needed at a European level with MDR, clinical trials will be assessed in coordination with all countries where it takes place, resulting in an easier and more standardized approach for obtaining reimbursement.

With this new regulation, Europe wants to insure better safety for patients, and the European medical device system will become more structured and easily understandable at both country and European level.

Cepton Strategies will be attending the JP Morgan conference in January. Please click here for more information.

1 – Journal of the Royal Society Medicine “The PIP scandal: an analysis of the process of quality control that failed to safeguard women from the health risks” – 2013

2 – Official Journal of the European Union « Regulations on medical devices » – April 2017 

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